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How can we set the Document Type before First Draft or transcription?

Answer / Solution

Sending Jobs to the Document Identification Queue


The Document Identification Queue is used to specify the Document Type of a Job when an Author fails to do so at the time of dictation.  The Document Identification Queue will allow administrative personnel to complete this task quickly and efficiently from the IMC while only downloading the first portion of the audio file.  This identification also takes place prior to speech recognition, which greatly improves the quality of the First Draft the MT receives.  If First Draft is not enabled for the Author or Document Type, then the job will proceed directly to transcription.  This knowledge base article describes how to set this up for a specific Author.



  • Administrator username and password



  • Login to the IMC using your Administrator username and password.
  • This can be set in 2 places.
    • Author Settings:  Administration tab ⇒ Users ⇒ Click name to select ⇒ Click the Author Settings link in the Facility Roles section ⇒ Scroll down to the Document Identification Queue section
      • Note:  This setting is done at the Author level, so any changes will be applied to an Author for all Facilities. 
    • First Draft tab: First Draft tab ⇒ Author Details page  Click name to select  Scroll down to the Document Identification Queue section.
  • Dictation sources that this Author uses are listed.  If the Author has not yet submitted any work, you will see a list of common sources.  You can place a check next to any of these sources to begin sending jobs to the Document Identification Queue.  Any dictation that InfraWare receives from a User through a checked source will be routed to the Document Identification Queue.  For example, if an Author typically identifies the Document Type when dictating through the Telephone Dictation Service (TDS), but does not identify the Document Type when sending DSS files from his or her PDR through the IDC, then the DSS source needs to be checked. 

For information on how to select the Document Type of a job while in the Document Identification Queue, please see KB424.

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Last Updated
Saturday, June 18, 2016

Document ID Queue First Draft docid KB423
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