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How do I enable certain Document Types for First Draft ?

Answer / Solution

Enabling Document Types for First Draft

For Customers subscribed to the First Draft Dictation Recognition service, Authors can be Enabled, Not Enabled or marked Not Eligible for First Draft (speech recognition) in the InfraWare Management Console (IMC) under the First Draft tab.


  • Administrator username and password for the InfraWare Management Console (IMC).


  • Login to the IMC using your Administrator username and password
  • Select the First Draft tab, Authors sub-tab
  • Click on the Author's name to open the First Draft Author Details window.

  • Click the drop-down menu next to each Document Type-Dictation Source (model) to select the First Draft workflow option.  Options available:
    • Not Enabled:  This is default. 
    • Enable:  Choose which Document Type-Dictation Source combination(s) you would like to enable by choosing 'Enabled' from the dropdown menu next to the document type name.

    • Not Eligible:  You can also mark document types as Not Eligible by choosing this option in the dropdown menu next to the document type.  You must then enter a reason in the box that will show up underneath the list of document types.  There is another dropdown list of generic reasons or you may type in a specific reason under 'Other'.
  • Click Save Changes at the bottom of the page.


  • In order to turn on First Draft for a given Document Type, the Document Type must be Templated (KB506) and its grade level (KB510) must not be too low for your Account’s First Draft Edition.  For example, Accounts at the Fast Start level can only enable A+s/As, Professional level Accounts can enable A+s, As and Bs, and Expert level Accounts can enable anything.

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Last Updated
Tuesday, July 14, 2020

KB412 enable enabling report document types grade first draft
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