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How do I setup a Delivery Plan for a Results Interface?

Answer / Solution

Delivery Plans:  Results Interface Setup


The InfraWare 360 platform provides an alternative to the HL7 results interface setup, which is now available free of charge.  We have created the InfraWare Proprietary Format which will contain all of the information (87 different attributes) that we maintain for each job.  For more information on the InfraWare Proprietary Format, please see Knowledge Base Article # 422 for additional information.  Setup is as easy as setting up a new Delivery Plan: 


  • Login to the InfraWare Management Console (IMC) with your Administrator Login and Password.
  • Navigate to the Delivery Tab
  • Create a SFTP Delivery Destination for the Results Interface (see also KB# 242 and 117 for more information)
  • Create  a Delivery Plan for the Results Interface
    • Click on the Delivery tab, Plans sub-tab
    • What does it apply to?  Select the Account, Facility, Author, Doc Category, or Document Type that applies to this Interface

  • When should documents be sent? Select from the following:
    • Delivery individual documents when complete
    • Delivery a batch of documents daily:  (and choose a time)
    • Delivery one batch of documents every: (and choose the number of hours)
  • How should documents be formatted?
    • For an Interface, Results Interface should be selected

  • Results Interface --> Choose from the following:
    • InfraWare Proprietary Format (embedded Plain Text)
    • InfraWare Proprietary Format (embedded Rich Text)
    • InfraWare Proprietary Format (embedded PDF)
    • InfraWare Proprietary Format (embedded Word)


  •  Select the "Save" button when complete

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Last Updated
Friday, December 4, 2015

interface free setup emr infraware proprietary file type format results KB339
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