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How do I start and use the InfraWare Template Editor (ITE)?

Answer / Solution

InfraWare Template Editor (ITE): Quick Start Guide 

Scope of Guide

Quick Start Guides are intended to provide a new user with a brief introduction to each covered application. The Guides are not a substitute for training, and they are not comprehensive. Rather, they are concise documents that orient new users to the fundamentals of accessing and navigating the programs. Finally, they direct users to context-sensitive support resources for granular information on certain features.

Who should use this Guide and the ITE?

The ITE is used primarily by administrators in the InfraWare 360 platform. 

Before You Begin

Before you begin, please be aware of the yellow circles with question marks in them. Clicking these images will bring up information about the area on the page with which they are associated. 


The ITE provides a convenient way for an administrator to import and produce templates that can be saved to the platform and associated with a document type. 


» Log in to the IMC, located at www.infraware.com/IMC, and click the Software tab:


  • Review the system requirements and cautionary messages to avoid improper or failed installations. After ensuring all prerequisites are followed, click the Install button next to the ITE box. When prompted, always select Run or Open (not Save). If the system is healthy and meets all requirements, a multi-step installation will occur.

Logging in

» Open the ITE application by double-clicking the icon on the Desktop or under the Windows Start menu. (Start, All Programs, InfraWare, InfraWare Template Editor). The ITE does not require a login unless a user is ready to save a template to the InfraWare 360 platform, at which point a user will be prompted for their username and password. 

Navigating the ITE

The ITE includes a menu system, button bar, editor window, editing toolbar, and a field manager.


  • Menus
    The menus located in the ITE can be used to access nearly any feature.    

  • Button Bar
    The most commonly used actions in the ITE have buttons (shortcuts) across the top. These buttons include actions such as New, Open, Save, along with many other frequently used actions. 

  • Editor Window
    The editor window in the ITE allows users to create templates much as they would in other word processing applications. Once a template is created and saved to the platform, it is usable by MT’s without needing to send them the template outside of the platform.

  • Editing Toolbar
    The editing toolbar is a convenient place to find various formatting tools for use on the text in the editor window. Commonly formatted items can be found in this toolbar, including font size and type, text justification, and bulleting.

  • Field Manager
    The field manager allows the user to easily keep track of the fields inserted into the template.

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Last Updated
Saturday, June 20, 2015

Template Editor InfraWare Software KB222
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