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How do I Create a Transcriptionist (MT/QA) User?

Answer / Solution


How to Create a Transcriptionist (MT/QA) User

In this guide, you will learn how to create a Transcriptionist (MT/QA) User in the InfraWare Management Console (IMC). 

Before You Begin

You will need the following before you begin:

  • An Administrator login ID and password for the IMC
  • An unassigned InfraWare Transcription Client (ITC) license.
  • Log into the IMC at www.InfraWare.com/IMC.
  • Click the Administration tab, and select the Users sub-tab.
  • Click on the New User link. The User Settings page will appear.
  • Fill in the Transcriptionist’s email address, name and password.
  • Click the Save User button. At this point, the page will validate the new user, and bring up fields to customize the new user’s role(s) on the platform.
  • Click the Transcriptionist check box under Roles with Account, click the Save User button again to save their roles. The site will then direct you back to the Users page, where you will now find your new user. Click on this user to go back to their User Settings page.
  • Under the heading “Account Roles”, you will now see a link titled Transcriptionist Settings to the right of the Transcriptionist role you just assigned. Click this to customize the settings associated with this role.
  • On the Transcriptionist Settings page you will see nine different categories of settings.

If you want to adjust or edit the MT/QA Pool Memberships, Transcriptionist Access Rights, or any of the other headings on the Transcriptionist Settings Page, please follow this link.

For a printer-friendly version of this document, please open the attached PDF.

How to Create a Transcriptionist.pdf (123.4Kb)

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Last Updated
Thursday, July 6, 2017

Customer Transcriptionist User Editing MT QA KB214
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