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How do I add a signature for eSign-off?

Answer / Solution


How to Add a Signature for eSign-Off


InfraWare 360 supports both text and signature images for eSign-off. These can be set up in the IMC by an administrator under author settings.

Note that additional steps are required to set up an author for eSign-off.

  • The templates used for each of the author's document types must be modified to indicate where the signature will be inserted after approval.
  • eSignoff needs to be added to the workflow.


  • Login to the InfraWare Management Console (IMC) using your IW Administrator username and password
  • Select the Administration Tab > Users

  • Select the appropriate author
  • Open the Author Settings window for the appropriate facility

  • Text: This can say whatever you like, and there is support for variables to display the date/time signed if desired.
  • Image: Browse and upload a scanned image of the author’s signature. Note that the image must fit into a size of 220x75 pixels. If you need assistance scanning and uploading a signature image please contact the support desk. 

Additional Steps

  • Modify the affected templates using the InfraWare Template Editor  KB549
  • Modify the workflow to have this author's jobs routed to eSign-off for approval  KB528

eSign-off Signature Card.pdf (134.9Kb)

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Last Updated
Monday, November 30, 2015

author setting Signature Card image eSign-off KB182
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