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How can I insert horizontal lines into a template?

Answer / Solution

How to Insert Horizontal Lines into a Template


Sometimes customers want to insert horizontal lines into a template for a letter or a form.  The editors in the ITC and ITE don't include drawings tools such as MS Word, so a work-around is needed to include such lines.


The most effective solution is to insert the line as an image.  InfraWare support has attached three common lines to this KB article.  (Naturally, the customer is free to create their own images to insert.  These samples are just to make it easy.)


  • Save the attached images to your computer in a location you will be able to find. (You might need to right-click the attached file and choose Save Target As.
  • Open the InfraWare Template Editor (ITE) and either open a template or start a new one.
  • At the desired location, click Image on the Insert menu.
  • Select JPEG (JPG) from the File-type drop-down box.
  • Browse to the folder to which you saved the images of the lines.
  • Select one of the lines.  It will appear in your template.
  • Save the template when complete.

Please watch a short video that describes how to insert horizontal iines into a template:

Doube Line.jpg (2.0Kb)
Heavy line.jpg (2.0Kb)
Thin Line.jpg (2.0Kb)

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Last Updated
Thursday, February 25, 2016

horizontal line template KB181
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