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What are 'External' ID fields?

Answer / Solution

External ID Fields


Many objects in InfraWare 360 have External ID fields.  These are optional and are usually used when the platform is configured to communicate with a third-party system.  Such a system can be an external dictation system (such as a DVI) or an interfaced EMR.


If a medical transcription service company were collecting dictations with a DVI and submitting them to InfraWare, they would normally send a pair of files: an audio file and an accompanying text file which identifies the author and work type.  Those IDs for the author and work type would probably be different in InfraWare than they are in the DVI.  So, the Admin would put the DVI values in the External ID field for the author and the document type in InfraWare.  This way, InfraWare 360 has a way to match-up its objects (like the author) to the values supplied from the external system.

  • On the Facility screen in the IMC, there is a setting for External Facility ID.
  • On the Author screen, in the IMC, there is a setting for External Author ID.
  • On the Document Type screen in the IMC, there is a setting for External Work Type ID.

For example, to add or change the External Facility ID, go to the Facility Settings page in the IMC by clicking the Administration tab, the Facilities sub-tab, then the particular Facility name.  Enter the desired value in the General section:

General Facility Settings

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Last Updated
Monday, November 30, 2015

external ID interface KB163
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