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What determines when a job shows up on a billing report?

Answer / Solution

Job Status at Which to Bill


The normal behavior of InfraWare 360 is to only consider "Complete" jobs when applying a Billing Model to run a Billing Report.  In some cases, the customer might want to modify that behavior because they are entitled to bill for a job after transcription - even if the job is pending QA or pending eSign-off.


This behavior is controlled on a per-facility basis in the InfraWare Management Console (IMC).  Edit facility settings by clicking Administration, then clicking on the name of a facility.  Scroll down to the option labeled: 'Job Status at which to bill' in the Billing section.

  • There are three options:
      • Complete
      • QA Pending
      • eSign-off Pending
  • QA and eSign-off are optional workflow steps, so they will not apply to all jobs.  The idea with this setting is that so long as a job gets to "at least" the status selected here, it will qualify to be considered for a billing report.
  • Note: if the 'Job Status at which to Bill' is changed, the status change will only be calculated on jobs that have not already reached the previous setting.

In addition, this feature also affects the TAT report.  The TAT calculation is based on when the platform considers the job to be complete based on the "Job status at which to Bill" setting for that facility.   



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Last Updated
Tuesday, December 8, 2015

QA status billing bill TAT KB162
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