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How do I set the ADT Screen to load for each new job in the ITC?

Answer / Solution

ADT Screen - Auto-Load Setting


When a Transcriptionist opens a new job in the InfraWare Transcription Client (ITC) the job loads in the ITC Editor.  At the Administrator's option, the ITC will also automatically load the ADT Screen immediately so the Transcriptionist can review or type the patient demographics to be populated into the template.


The setting that controls this behavior (whether or not to load the ADT Screen when opening a new job) is set on a per facility basis because ADT behavior is often different from one facility to the next.  In the InfraWare Management Console (IMC), click the Administration tab, then click on a facility for which you would like to establish this setting. Scroll down to the Patient Demographics section:

  • Require ADT (patient demographics) entry in ITC The ADT Screen will automatically load when opening a job.  Otherwise, uncheck the box.

  • No matter how you set this default behavior, the MT can access the ADT Screen at any time during the editing experience by clicking the ADT button in the ITC Editor.  Template data fields will be updated when the MT saves changes to the values on that screen.

Note:  The Facility Settings page can be viewed in either a Basic View or an Advanced View (with more detailed options).  The Require ADT entry in ITC displays in either view.


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Last Updated
Monday, November 30, 2015

ADT patient demographics require entry ITC KB161
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